which factor best explains why native Americans were able to make permanent settlements?

A.Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food .

B.Native Americans began to create more complex tools and pottery.

C.Native Americans discovered alternative food sources, such as shellfish.

D.Native Americans wanted to band together in large groups for protection.


What do you think is the answer, Nemo?


See the Related Questions below.

I'll give you a couple hints, Nemo. D is for sure not the answer, and C is not the answer. Out of A and B, what do you think is the answer to this question?

B @Brady

@ms.sue @brady @steve

Well, the tools and pottery really don't state that they could stay in one place. Both of those things could be carried, or place inside something to push or pull to somewhere. So really, these things could go several places instead of a permanent place.

I would say A. When cultivating fields, what happens to the plants in that area? They stay there until they are harvested, right? After that, we(but in this case, the Native Americans), would put in more seeds of that type of plant into the ground in that same area. So, A would be the best answer to this question?

I hope this helps you understand! :)

1 Error: I meant to say "or placed" instead of "or place".

2 Error: I meant to say "instead of staying in a permanent place" instead of "instead of a permanent place".

3 Error: I meant to say "." instead of the "?" at the end.

Sorry for my mistakes!!

The factor that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is A. Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food.

To arrive at this answer, we can use a process of elimination and logical reasoning:

B. Native Americans began to create more complex tools and pottery: While the advancement of tools and pottery may have contributed to the development of permanent settlements, it is not the primary factor. The ability to create complex tools and pottery might have enhanced their lifestyle, but it alone does not explain the permanence of settlements.

C. Native Americans discovered alternative food sources, such as shellfish: The discovery of alternative food sources, such as shellfish, may have contributed to their ability to sustain themselves, but it does not fully explain the establishment of permanent settlements. Finding alternative food sources would have provided additional resources, but settlements still require a more stable food supply.

D. Native Americans wanted to band together in large groups for protection: While protection may have been a motive for Native Americans to band together, it does not directly explain the establishment of permanent settlements. Large groups can exist without permanent settlements, such as nomadic tribes.

Therefore, A. Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food is the best answer. Cultivating plants for food allowed Native Americans to transition from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled agricultural lifestyle. The ability to grow and store food enabled them to establish permanent villages and communities, as they no longer needed to constantly move in search of food.