1. On the show, Mattie read his poems and talked about his love for life.

2. On the show, Mattie read his poems and talked about his love abou life.

Which preposition can we use, 'for' or 'about'? Are both OK?

The first sentence is far better. I don't think I've ever heard the second in any context.

On the show, Mattie read his poems and talked about his love about life.

Thank you. There was a spelling mistake, not 'abou' but 'about.

I knew what you meant!! My reply still works!

Both "for" and "about" can be used in this context, but they convey slightly different meanings. The choice between "for" and "about" depends on what you want to emphasize in the sentence.

1. "On the show, Mattie read his poems and talked about his love for life."
In this sentence, "for" is used to express Mattie's deep affection or passion for life. It indicates that Mattie has a general admiration and appreciation for life as a whole.

2. "On the show, Mattie read his poems and talked about his love about life."
The phrase "love about life" doesn't convey a clear meaning and doesn't make grammatical sense. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use "about" in this case.

Thus, the correct phrase to use in this context is "his love for life" to properly convey Mattie's affection and appreciation for life.