When 90 kJ is removed from a 2-kg copper bar, its temperature drops from 200°C to 85°C. The specific heat of copper is

q = mass Cu x specific heat Cu x ((Tfinal-Tnitial)

use q = 90,000 J.
Use mass Cu as 2000g
specific heat comes out in J/g*C

In order to find the specific heat of copper, we can use the formula:

Q = mcΔT

Q is the amount of heat energy transferred
m is the mass of the object
c is the specific heat capacity
ΔT is the change in temperature

Given that 90 kJ (90,000 J) is removed from a 2-kg copper bar, and the temperature drops from 200°C to 85°C, we can substitute these values into the formula:

90,000 J = (2 kg)(c)((85°C) - (200°C))

Let's rearrange the equation to solve for c:

c = (90,000 J) / ((2 kg)(85°C - 200°C))

First, let's calculate the difference in temperature:

ΔT = (85°C) - (200°C) = -115°C

Substituting this value into the equation:

c = (90,000 J) / ((2 kg)(-115°C))

Now we can calculate the specific heat of copper:

c = 390.78 J/(kg·°C)

Therefore, the specific heat capacity of copper is approximately 390.78 J/(kg·°C).