What of these Greek achievements was the most contribution to greek culture and explain.

Military strategy
Art and architecture


Let us know what you decide. Someone here will be happy to give you feedback on the one you choose and how you explain it.

i chose history but i'm having trouble explaining it

#1 -- I don't understand how "history" is an achievement.

#2 -- If you can't explain what you chose, then you probably need to choose another.

All of these achievements played significant roles in shaping Greek culture. However, if we had to choose one as the most influential, it would be philosophy.

To determine this, we can consider the impact and lasting influence that each achievement had on Greek society and subsequent civilizations. Here's how you can assess the contributions of each achievement and why philosophy stood out:

1. Military Strategy: Greek military strategy was highly advanced and played a crucial role in their success during wars. However, while it was important for defense and expansion, its impact on Greek culture as a whole is not as profound as other achievements.

2. Art and Architecture: Greek art and architecture were highly influential and left a lasting impact on the world. The Greek emphasis on proportion, harmony, and beauty can be seen in various forms of architecture and sculpture. However, while it contributed to Greek identity and aesthetics, it didn't have as significant an effect on broader intellectual and philosophical development.

3. Literature: Greek literature, including epic poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey, provided a rich source of storytelling and historical insight. These works are a testament to Greek creativity and cultural heritage. However, their impact, though profound, was more specific to the realm of literature and storytelling.

4. Drama: Greek drama had a profound impact on both Greek and later Western culture. The works of playwrights like Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus explored complex human emotions, moral dilemmas, and societal issues. Greek drama served as a means of shaping public opinion and fostering critical thinking, but its influence was mainly confined to theater.

5. History: The Greeks were pioneers in recording and analyzing history. The works of historians such as Herodotus and Thucydides laid the foundation for historiography. Though invaluable in providing insights into the past, their influence was somewhat limited to the field of history itself.

6. Philosophy: Philosophy is the standout achievement as it fundamentally shaped Greek culture and influenced future civilizations. Greek philosophers, including Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, posed fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, politics, and the nature of reality. Their ideas laid the groundwork for Western philosophy, science, and intellectual inquiry. Philosophy challenged traditional beliefs, encouraged critical thinking, and pioneered methods of logical reasoning, ultimately transforming the way people approached life's fundamental questions.

7. Government: Greek political systems, such as democracy in Athens, represented a crucial development in governance. However, while significant in the evolution of political systems, their direct impact on broader Greek culture was not as transformative as philosophy.

In summary, while all of these achievements contributed to Greek culture, philosophy's profound influence on intellectual development, critical thinking, and subsequent civilizations make it the most significant contribution.