Evaluate the following expression using BODMAS rule




To evaluate the expression using the BODMAS rule, you need to follow a specific order of operations: Brackets, Orders (exponents and roots), Division and Multiplication (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

Let's break down the expression step by step:

(90/3 * 3 + 5) / (-2 * 3 + 9)

1. Start with the innermost brackets:
(90/3 * 3 + 5) / (-2 * 3 + 9)

Evaluate the expression inside the brackets first:

(30 * 3 + 5) / (-2 * 3 + 9)

2. Next, perform any multiplications and divisions from left to right:
(90 + 5) / (-6 + 9)

Perform the multiplication 30 * 3:

(90 + 5) / (-2 * 3 + 9)

Perform the multiplication -2 * 3:

(90 + 5) / (-6 + 9)

Perform the addition 90 + 5:

(95) / (-6 + 9)

3. Now, perform the additions and subtractions from left to right:
(95) / (3)

The final result is:


So, the evaluated value of the expression is approximately 31.67.