reduce to lowest terms


Is the answer 3a

From the other two I did you should see how it is done. If you don't undersand, repost with details about what you don't understand. We want you to be able to do these by yourself.

To reduce the fraction to lowest terms, we need to simplify both the numerator and the denominator.

Let's start with the numerator, 75a^2b.

We can simplify this by dividing each term by their greatest common factor (GCF). In this case, the GCF of 75, a^2, and b is 25ab.

Dividing each term by 25ab, we get:

(75a^2b) / (25ab) = (75/25)(a^2/a)(b/b) = 3a

Now let's simplify the denominator, 25ab^2.

We can also divide each term by their greatest common factor (GCF). In this case, the GCF of 25, a, and b^2 is 25ab^2.

Dividing each term by 25ab^2, we get:

(25ab^2) / (25ab^2) = 1

So, the simplified fraction is:

(3a) / (1) = 3a

Therefore, the fraction 75a^2b / 25ab^2, when reduced to lowest terms, is equal to 3a.