would it be simpler to write a paper that to create a full-sentence outline? why or why not

If you start writing a paper without an outline or written plan, it's like trying to find your way across country without a map.

Don't skip the prewriting!

To determine whether it would be simpler to write a paper or create a full-sentence outline, let's first understand what each of these processes entails.

1. Writing a paper: This involves creating a complete, coherent piece of writing that presents an argument or discusses a topic in detail. It typically involves conducting research, organizing information, and carefully structuring paragraphs and sentences to convey your ideas effectively.

2. Creating a full-sentence outline: This process involves organizing your thoughts and main ideas into a structured outline using complete sentences. It requires breaking down your paper's content into clear sections, subtopics, supporting points, and details. Each section and subtopic should be expressed as a full, grammatically correct sentence.

Now, let's consider the question at hand:

Is it simpler to write a paper or create a full-sentence outline?

In general, creating a full-sentence outline can make the paper writing process simpler for several reasons:

1. Organization: An outline helps you neatly arrange your ideas and supporting evidence before you begin writing, providing a clear structure to follow. It ensures your paper flows logically and cohesively.

2. Clarity: By creating a full-sentence outline, you establish a solid foundation for your paper's content. You can spot any gaps or inconsistencies in your arguments or evidence early on, allowing you to revise and refine your ideas before writing the complete paper.

3. Efficiency: With a well-structured outline, you have a roadmap that guides your writing process. It saves time as you know exactly what information to include and in what order. The outline acts as a reference, preventing you from getting lost or going off track while writing.

That being said, some individuals may find it easier to write a paper directly without a full-sentence outline. This is a personal preference and may depend on factors such as writing style, familiarity with the topic, and individual organizational abilities. However, for most people, creating a full-sentence outline can greatly simplify the writing process and improve the overall quality of the paper.