Can someone check my work and tell me if they're grammatically correct and such?

Instructions: Be creative and write a sentence for each of the following verbs using the future simple tense.

1.(ella) Venir
Ella vendrá mañana a mi casa.

2. (nosotros) limpiar
Nosotros limpiaremos el casa mañana antes de la fiesta.

3. (ustedes) vivir
Ustedes vivirán en Perú durante un mes.

4. (yo) comer
Comeré el burrito para el desayuno.

5. (tú) tener
Tu tendrás muchos problemas si no le haces caso a tu padre.

6. (usted) estudiar
Usted estudiará mañana porque tiene un examen.

7. (él) invitar
Ella invitará a su novio a una cena que sus padres están organizando.

8. (nosotros) viajar
Nosotros viajaremos a Brasil en verano.

9.(vosotros) ayudar
Vosotros ayudaréis con los quehaceres domésticos.

10. (yo) decir
Yo te diré lo que pienso , si usted puede manejar críticas.

I'll send your post to our Spanish expert. Please keep checking back and have patience until she responds to you.

2. gender error = la casa

3. some textbooks use the article with Perú = el Perú
8. also with Brasil = al Brasil en el verano

The rest looks OK.

I'll flag this to come back later in case you have further questions.

1. The sentence "Ella vendrá mañana a mi casa." is grammatically correct.

To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "venir" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "ella". The correct conjugation for "venir" in the future simple tense for "ella" is "vendrá".

2. The sentence "Nosotros limpiaremos el casa mañana antes de la fiesta." has a grammatical error.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "limpiar" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "nosotros". The correct conjugation for "limpiar" in the future simple tense for "nosotros" is "limpiaremos". However, there is a grammatical mistake in the sentence. It should be "la casa" instead of "el casa" because "casa" is a feminine noun. Thus, the correct sentence is: "Nosotros limpiaremos la casa mañana antes de la fiesta."

3. The sentence "Ustedes vivirán en Perú durante un mes." is grammatically correct.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "vivir" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "ustedes". The correct conjugation for "vivir" in the future simple tense for "ustedes" is "vivirán".

4. The sentence "Comeré el burrito para el desayuno." is grammatically correct.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "comer" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "yo". The correct conjugation for "comer" in the future simple tense for "yo" is "comeré".

5. The sentence "Tu tendrás muchos problemas si no le haces caso a tu padre." is grammatically correct.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "tener" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "tú". The correct conjugation for "tener" in the future simple tense for "tú" is "tendrás".

6. The sentence "Usted estudiará mañana porque tiene un examen." is grammatically correct.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "estudiar" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "usted". The correct conjugation for "estudiar" in the future simple tense for "usted" is "estudiará".

7. The sentence "Ella invitará a su novio a una cena que sus padres están organizando." is grammatically correct.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "invitar" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "ella". The correct conjugation for "invitar" in the future simple tense for "ella" is "invitará".

8. The sentence "Nosotros viajaremos a Brasil en verano." is grammatically correct.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "viajar" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "nosotros". The correct conjugation for "viajar" in the future simple tense for "nosotros" is "viajaremos".

9. The sentence "Vosotros ayudaréis con los quehaceres domésticos." is grammatically correct.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "ayudar" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "vosotros". The correct conjugation for "ayudar" in the future simple tense for "vosotros" is "ayudaréis".

10. The sentence "Yo te diré lo que pienso , si usted puede manejar críticas." has a grammatical error.
To check if it is correct, you need to make sure that the verb "decir" is conjugated correctly in the future simple tense for the subject "yo". The correct conjugation for "decir" in the future simple tense for "yo" is "diré". However, there is a punctuation mistake in the sentence. It should be a comma after "pienso". So the correct sentence is: "Yo te diré lo que pienso, si usted puede manejar críticas."