3. In "The Destructors," which of the following best describes how Blackie feels about T's new role

as gang leader? (1 point)
resentful curiosity
skeptical obedience
unwavering support
overwhelming resignation
4. Which of the following quotes from "The Destructors" best supports the answer selected above?
(1 point)
"Blackie gave a single hoot of laughter and then, like Mike, fell quiet, daunted by the
serious implacable gaze"
“He went away to the back of the car-park and began to kick a stone, dribbling it this
way and that.”way and that.”
“Beyond, paying no more attention to him than to a stranger, the gang had gathered
round T; Blackie was dimly aware of the fickleness of favour.”
"He thought of going home, of never returning, of letting them all discover the
hollowness of T's leadership, but suppose after all what T proposed was possible - nothing
like it had ever been done before.”

everyone's quick check can and will be sightly different the answers from my quick check were

1.d,(He lives a solitary life and does not interact well with others)
2.b("a smaller bomb and incendiaries had fallen beyond, so that the house stuck like a jagged tooth and carried on the further wall relics of its neighbour, a dado, the remains of a fireplace")
3.b,(influential and unwilling to back down during conflict)
4.d,("He thought of going home,of never returning, of letting them all discover the hollowness of T's Leadership, but suppose after all what T proposed was possible noting like it had ever been done before")

The best answer for how Blackie feels about T's new role as gang leader in "The Destructors" would be skeptical obedience. The quote that best supports this answer is: "Beyond, paying no more attention to him than to a stranger, the gang had gathered round T; Blackie was dimly aware of the fickleness of favour." This quote suggests that Blackie is skeptical of T's leadership and the favor the gang is showing him, but he still obediently joins the gang in gathering around T.

To determine how Blackie feels about T's new role as gang leader in "The Destructors," we need to analyze the text and find supporting evidence.

In the given options, the one that best describes Blackie's feelings is "skeptical obedience." This suggests that Blackie is skeptical of T's leadership abilities but still follows his commands.

To find a quote that supports this answer, we can look for instances where Blackie's actions or thoughts align with this description. In the provided quotes, one that best supports the selected answer is:

"He thought of going home, of never returning, of letting them all discover the hollowness of T's leadership, but suppose after all what T proposed was possible - nothing like it had ever been done before."

This quote demonstrates Blackie's skepticism by showing his consideration of abandoning the gang due to doubts about T's leadership. However, he also entertains the possibility of T's ideas being successful and acknowledges that T's plans are unique.

Therefore, the quote supports the answer of "skeptical obedience" as it showcases Blackie's doubts about T's leadership while still considering the potential of his ideas.