a rectangular vegetable bed 10m long and 6m wide is edged on four sides with 2m wide border. find the area of the border


To find the area of the border, we need to subtract the area of the inner rectangular vegetable bed from the area of the outer rectangle that includes the border.

The inner rectangular vegetable bed has dimensions of 10m by 6m, so its area is 10m * 6m = 60 square meters.

Now, we need to find the dimensions of the outer rectangle. Since the border is 2 meters wide on each side, we add 2m to both the length and width of the inner rectangular bed.

The length of the outer rectangle will be 10m + (2m + 2m) = 10m + 4m = 14m.

The width of the outer rectangle will be 6m + (2m + 2m) = 6m + 4m = 10m.

Therefore, the area of the outer rectangle is 14m * 10m = 140 square meters.

Finally, we subtract the area of the inner rectangular bed from the area of the outer rectangle to find the area of the border:

Area of the border = Area of the outer rectangle - Area of the inner rectangular bed
= 140 square meters - 60 square meters
= 80 square meters.

So, the area of the border is 80 square meters.