In macbeth is the person that sees a ghost is it macbeth and also for this qoute The prince of cumberland that is a step on which I must fall down or else oerleap that's macbeths quote right. Thanks

These are odd questions: have you read the play? I suggest reading it twice at least.

Yes, in Shakespeare's play Macbeth, the person who sees a ghost is indeed Macbeth. In Act III, Scene IV, during a banquet, Macbeth sees the ghost of his murdered friend, Banquo.

Regarding the quote you mentioned, "The prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, for in my way it lies," that is indeed a quote from Macbeth. It is spoken by Macbeth in Act I, Scene IV, after he learns that Malcolm, the Prince of Cumberland, has been named as the heir to the throne. Macbeth sees this as an obstacle to his own ambition to become king and contemplates the choices he must make to achieve his goals.

As for your suggestion to read the play, it is indeed a good idea to read Macbeth at least twice to grasp a deeper understanding of the plot, themes, and characters. Reading the play multiple times allows for a more comprehensive analysis and better appreciation of Shakespeare's language and storytelling.