20 LB for $27.50; 12 LB for X dollars. Find x. Can you make it a decimal?

Use a simple ratio

20/27.5 =12/x
20x = 12(27.5)
20x = 330
x = 330/20 = 16.5



shanks alot

To find the value of X, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

The ratio of pounds to dollars is constant. So, we can write:

20 pounds / $27.50 = 12 pounds / X dollars

To solve for X, we can cross-multiply:

20 * X = 12 * $27.50

20X = $330

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 20:

X = $330 / 20

Simplifying this gives:

X = $16.50

So, X is equal to $16.50.

To find the value of X, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

The first step is to write the proportion using the pounds and the cost:

20 pounds / $27.50 = 12 pounds / X dollars

To solve for X, we can cross-multiply and then solve for X.

20 pounds * X dollars = 12 pounds * $27.50

20X = $330

Now, to find the decimal value of X, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 20:

X = $330 / 20
X = $16.50

Therefore, X is equal to $16.50, which is the decimal value.