Every employee's salary at the Sunrise Software Company increases each year by 1/10 of that person's salary the previous year.

A: If Martha's present annual salary is $100,000.00, what will her salary be in 2 years?
B: If Aaron's present salary is $99,000.00, what was his salary 1 year ago?
C: If Juanita's present salary is $363,000.00, what was her salary 2 years ago?

a) after 1 year --> 100000(1.1)

after 2 years ---- 100000(1.1)^2
b) Aaron's --- > 99000/1.1 or 99000(1.1)^-1

c) what do you think?

To find Martha's salary in 2 years, we need to increase her salary by 1/10 each year.

Step 1: Calculate the increase in salary for the first year.
Martha's salary in the first year will be 1/10 of her present salary, which is (1/10) * $100,000.00 = $10,000.00.

Step 2: Calculate the increase in salary for the second year.
Martha's salary in the second year will be 1/10 of her salary in the first year, which is (1/10) * $10,000.00 = $1,000.00.

Step 3: Calculate Martha's salary in 2 years.
To find Martha's salary in 2 years, we add the increase in salary for the first year to her present salary and then add the increase in salary for the second year.
Martha's salary in 2 years will be $100,000.00 + $10,000.00 + $1,000.00 = $111,000.00.

So, Martha's salary will be $111,000.00 in 2 years.

For Aaron's salary 1 year ago, we need to find the original salary before any increases.

Step 1: Calculate the increase in salary for 1 year.
Aaron's salary 1 year ago will be (1/10) * $99,000.00 = $9,900.00 less than his present salary.

Step 2: Calculate Aaron's salary 1 year ago.
To find Aaron's salary 1 year ago, we subtract the increase in salary for 1 year from his present salary.
Aaron's salary 1 year ago will be $99,000.00 - $9,900.00 = $89,100.00.

So, Aaron's salary 1 year ago was $89,100.00.

To find Juanita's salary 2 years ago, we need to backtrack with the salary increases.

Step 1: Calculate the increase in salary for 1 year.
Juanita's salary 1 year ago was (1/10) * $363,000.00 = $36,300.00 less than her present salary.

Step 2: Calculate the increase in salary for 2 years.
Juanita's salary 2 years ago was (1/10) * $36,300.00 = $3,630.00 less than her salary 1 year ago.

Step 3: Calculate Juanita's salary 2 years ago.
To find Juanita's salary 2 years ago, we subtract the increase in salary for 1 year and the increase in salary for 2 years from her present salary.
Juanita's salary 2 years ago was $363,000.00 - $36,300.00 - $3,630.00 = $323,070.00.

So, Juanita's salary 2 years ago was $323,070.00.

To find the annual salary for each employee at the Sunrise Software Company after a certain number of years, we can use the given information that each year the salary increases by 1/10 of the previous year's salary.

A: To determine what Martha's salary will be in 2 years, we can follow this calculation:
- Year 0 (Present): $100,000.00
- Year 1: $100,000.00 + (1/10) * $100,000.00 = $100,000.00 + $10,000.00 = $110,000.00
- Year 2: $110,000.00 + (1/10) * $110,000.00 = $110,000.00 + $11,000.00 = $121,000.00
Therefore, Martha's salary will be $121,000.00 in 2 years.

B: To determine what Aaron's salary was 1 year ago, we can use the following calculation:
- Year 0 (Present): $99,000.00
- Year -1 (1 Year Ago): $99,000.00 - (1/10) * $99,000.00 = $99,000.00 - $9,900.00 = $89,100.00
Therefore, Aaron's salary 1 year ago was $89,100.00.

C: To determine what Juanita's salary was 2 years ago, we can use the following calculation:
- Year 0 (Present): $363,000.00
- Year -1 (1 Year Ago): $363,000.00 - (1/10) * $363,000.00 = $363,000.00 - $36,300.00 = $326,700.00
- Year -2 (2 Years Ago): $326,700.00 - (1/10) * $326,700.00 = $326,700.00 - $32,670.00 = $294,030.00
Therefore, Juanita's salary 2 years ago was $294,030.00.