A bus is traveling at 79.7 kilometers

Er hour east, how far does the bus travel 1.45 hours?

115.565 kilometers... 79.7*1.45=115.565

To find the distance the bus travels, we can use the formula: distance = speed × time.

Speed of the bus = 79.7 kilometers/hour (east)
Time = 1.45 hours

Substituting the values into the formula:
Distance = 79.7 kilometers/hour × 1.45 hours

To calculate the distance, we multiply the speed by the time:
Distance = 115.265 kilometers.

Therefore, the bus travels 115.265 kilometers in 1.45 hours.

To calculate the distance traveled by the bus, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

In this case, the speed of the bus is given as 79.7 kilometers per hour, and the time is given as 1.45 hours. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Distance = 79.7 km/h × 1.45 h

To calculate this, multiply the speed (79.7 km/h) by the time (1.45 h):

Distance = 115.765 km

Therefore, the bus travels approximately 115.765 kilometers in 1.45 hours.