What is 2,724 x 588? Round each term to the greatest place.

Online, “*” is used to indicate multiplication to avoid confusion with “x” as an unknown.

2,724 * 588 = 1,601, 712

3000 * 600 = 1,800,000

Round 2,724 to the nearest thousand

2,724. Round to the nearest thousand

To calculate the product of two numbers, such as 2,724 x 588, you can use the multiplication operation. Here's how you can find the answer:

Step 1: Round each term to the greatest place.
In this case, you would round 2,724 to the nearest hundred, which is 2,700, and 588 to the nearest ten, which is 590. Rounding to the greatest place will make the calculation simpler while still giving us a reasonably accurate estimate of the product.

Step 2: Multiply the rounded numbers.
Now, you can perform the multiplication operation by multiplying 2,700 and 590:

2,700 x 590 = 1,593,000

So, 2,724 x 588 (rounded to the greatest place) is approximately 1,593,000.