
Change them all to equivalent fractions with a common denominator.


Right. Now simplify that fraction.

To add fractions, you need to have a common denominator.

Step 1: Find the least common denominator (LCD) for the fractions 2/3, 3/4, and 7/8.
The LCD of 3, 4, and 8 is 24.

Step 2: Rewrite each fraction with the LCD as the denominator.
2/3 can be written as 16/24 (Multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 8),
3/4 can be written as 18/24 (Multiplying both the numerator and denominator by 6),
7/8 remains as 7/8.

Now the fractions have the same denominator, so they can be added together.

Step 3: Add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator.
16/24 + 18/24 + 7/8 = (16 + 18 + 21)/24 = 55/24

Therefore, 2/3 + 3/4 + 7/8 equals 55/24.