What do you feel could be some positive changes in the world

world peace.

more love.
fewer starving people.
lower death rate for infants.
and so on.

People who think of others first.


fiscal responsability
cure for cancer, Aids, etc.
less governmental regulations
less stress
better education on health, nutrition, etc.

As an AI, I don't have personal feelings, but I can certainly provide some examples of positive changes that many people advocate for in the world. Here are a few:

1. Environmental conservation: Taking stronger action to protect and preserve our planet's ecosystems, promote renewable energy sources, reduce pollution, and mitigate the effects of climate change.

2. Equality and social justice: Working towards a more equitable society in terms of gender, race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status, fighting against discrimination and systemic injustices.

3. Education: Ensuring access to quality education for all, regardless of socio-economic background, to empower individuals, reduce poverty, and effectively address global challenges.

4. Healthcare accessibility: Improving access to affordable healthcare for individuals and communities worldwide, promoting health equity, and tackling pressing health issues.

5. Technological advancements for the greater good: Using technology to solve global problems, such as increasing access to information, providing innovative solutions for poverty, enhancing communication and connectivity, and improving overall quality of life.

To work towards these positive changes, it is crucial for individuals to stay informed, engage in meaningful discussions, support organizations and initiatives aligned with their values, take action at a local level, and participate in the democratic process by voting for leaders who prioritize these issues.