Ursula wrote the sum of 5.815 plus 6.021 as a sum of two mixed numbers? A. What sum did she write? B. Compare the sum of the mixed numbers to the sum of the decimals? Please help answer ASAP. Thanks

5 815/1000

6 21/1000
11 836/1000 = 11 418/500 = 11 209/250


This website is not helping me at. All this website is lame

this is bad


the sum of decimals u have

sum of mixed numbers would be 5 815/1000
6 21/1000

I think this website I think this website is good and has the right answers but not the answer I’m looking for of how my teacher would want it to be answered.

The answer to a. is 11 209/250

Cant find answer to b. but hope this helps!

To write the sum of two mixed numbers, you need to convert the decimals to fractions and then combine them with the whole numbers. Here's how you can find the answer:

A. Write the sum of 5.815 and 6.021 as mixed numbers:

Step 1: Convert the decimals to fractions.
To convert 5.815 and 6.021 to fractions, you need to count the number of decimal places after the whole numbers.

5.815 has 3 decimal places (after the decimal point), so it can be written as 5815/1000.
6.021 has 3 decimal places (after the decimal point), so it can be written as 6021/1000.

Step 2: Rewrite the mixed numbers.
Now that you have the fractions, rewrite them as mixed numbers by dividing the numerator by the denominator:

5815 ÷ 1000 = 5 remainder 815.
6021 ÷ 1000 = 6 remainder 21.

So, the sum of 5.815 and 6.021 written as a sum of two mixed numbers is:
5 815/1000 + 6 21/1000.

B. Compare the sum of the two mixed numbers to the sum of the decimals.
To compare the two, you'll need to convert the mixed numbers fraction back to decimals:

5 815/1000 = 5 + 815/1000 = 5 + 0.815 = 5.815.
6 21/1000 = 6 + 21/1000 = 6 + 0.021 = 6.021.

We can see that the sum of the mixed numbers (5 815/1000 and 6 21/1000) is equivalent to the sum of the decimals (5.815 and 6.021).

Therefore, the answer to A is: Ursula wrote the sum of 5.815 plus 6.021 as 5 815/1000 + 6 21/1000, and the answer to B is that the sum of the mixed numbers is the same as the sum of the decimals.


i don’t know either.