How would you write the number 11.836 as mixed number, and how would you write it as a decimal. Please help answer thanks

11 836/1000 = 11 209/1000

11 209/250

To write the number 11.836 as a mixed number, you need to separate the whole number part and the fractional part. The whole number part is the largest whole number that is less than or equal to 11.836, which is 11. The fractional part is the decimal portion after the whole number, which is 0.836.

To write it as a mixed number, you would place the whole number part as the whole number portion and the fractional part as the fraction portion. So, the number 11.836 can be written as the mixed number 11 and 836/1000.

To write the number 11.836 as a decimal, there is no need for any conversion because it is already a decimal number. The number 11.836 and the decimal representation of it are the same.

Therefore, the mixed number representation of 11.836 is 11 and 836/1000, and the decimal representation of 11.836 remains the same.