The complement of an angle measures 37°. What is the measure of the angle?

A- 143°

B- 127°

C- 63°

D- 53°

My choice is C.

Nope. 90-37 = 53, not 63.

I suspect you saw the 9 and the 3 and subtracted to get 6, but nnnoooooo...

Opps, I subtracted wrong!! It should be answer D- 53


To find the measure of the angle, we need to understand what complementary angles are. Complementary angles are two angles that add up to 90 degrees.

Let x be the measure of the angle.

The complement of x is given as 37 degrees.

Since the sum of the angle and its complement is 90 degrees, we can set up the equation:

x + 37 = 90

To isolate x, we subtract 37 from both sides of the equation:

x = 90 - 37

x = 53

Therefore, the measure of the angle is 53 degrees.

Based on your choices, it seems like you have selected option D which is 53 degrees. That is the correct answer. Well done!