Estimate the value of ✔️45 to the nearest integer

An estimate for -✔️66 is
An estimate for ✔️123 is
D.13. (The check mark is square root)

6 * 6 = 36

7 * 7 = 49
The square root of 45 must be 7.

I'll be glad to check your answers for the other two.

Thanks but i figured the rest out after what you posted

is it c.

To estimate the value of the square root of a number to the nearest integer, you can follow these steps:

1. Find the two consecutive whole numbers that the square root lies between. For example, for √45, we know that it lies between the whole numbers 6 and 7 since 6^2 = 36 and 7^2 = 49.

2. Determine which whole number the square root is closer to. In this case, the square root of 45 is closer to 7 since 6 is further away.

Therefore, the estimated value of √45 to the nearest integer is 7. So, the correct answer for the first question is D.7.

Now let's apply the same steps to estimate the values for the other two questions:

1. For -√66, we need to consider the negative sign as well. The two consecutive whole numbers it lies between are -7 and -8 because (-8)^2 = 64 and (-7)^2 = 49.

2. By comparing the distances, we can see that the square root of 66 is closer to -8 than to -7.

Therefore, the estimated value of -√66 to the nearest integer is -8. So, the correct answer for the second question is C. -8.

1. For √123, the two consecutive whole numbers it lies between are 11 and 12 since 11^2 = 121 and 12^2 = 144.

2. Comparing the distances, we can conclude that the square root of 123 is closer to 11 than to 12.

Therefore, the estimated value of √123 to the nearest integer is 11. So, the correct answer for the third question is B.11.