Essays, articles, and speeches are all works of nonfiction. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the authors of nonfiction?

A. They are always real people.

B. Their style is always full of figurative language.

C. They usually focus on retelling historical events.

D. Their tone is always objective.

I am guessing B?

No. Beware of questions using "always" or "never."

My husband wrote non-fiction books about birds and natural plants.

To verify the accurate statement about the authors of nonfiction, let's analyze the options provided:

A. They are always real people: This statement is not entirely accurate. While many nonfiction authors are real people, some nonfiction can be written by anonymous authors or under pseudonyms.

B. Their style is always full of figurative language: This statement is incorrect. Nonfiction writing can vary greatly in style, and not all authors use figurative language in their works.

C. They usually focus on retelling historical events: This statement is also not entirely accurate. While historical events can be a common focus in nonfiction, there are other subjects as well, such as personal experiences, scientific explanations, political analysis, and more.

D. Their tone is always objective: This statement is not true either. Nonfiction authors may adopt a variety of tones depending on the subject matter and their personal perspective. Some may write objectively, but others may present a subjective viewpoint or have a persuasive tone.

Based on the analysis, none of the statements provided are accurate regarding all authors of nonfiction. Therefore, none of the options are the correct answer.

Update: The Correct Answer is A