A 600-pound boat sits on a ramp inclined at 30 degrees as shown in the attached image. What force is required to keep the boat from rolling down the ramp?

Completely lost, never done physics before....

component of weight down ramp = 600 sin 30 = 300 pounds

To calculate the force required to keep the boat from rolling down the ramp, we need to consider the gravitational force pulling the boat downward and the component of that force that acts parallel to the ramp.

To find the component of the gravitational force parallel to the ramp, we can use the equation:

Force parallel = Force of gravity * sin(θ)

where θ is the angle of the ramp (30 degrees in this case), and the force of gravity can be calculated using the formula:

Force of gravity = mass * acceleration due to gravity

Given that the boat weighs 600 pounds, we need to convert this to mass using the conversion factor 1 pound = 0.4536 kilograms. So the mass of the boat is:

mass = weight / gravitational acceleration
mass = 600 pounds * 0.4536 kg/pound

Next, we can calculate the force of gravity using:

Force of gravity = mass * acceleration due to gravity
Force of gravity = mass * 9.8 m/s^2

Now we can substitute these values into the equation to find the force parallel to the ramp:

Force parallel = Force of gravity * sin(30 degrees)

Once we have the force parallel to the ramp, we need to keep in mind that it is opposing the motion and therefore equals the force required to keep the boat from rolling down the ramp.

To determine the force required to keep the boat from rolling down the ramp, we need to analyze the forces acting on the boat. In this case, the boat can be treated as an object subject to both the force of gravity and the force of friction.

First, let's consider the force of gravity acting on the boat. We know the weight of the boat is 600 pounds, which is the force of gravity acting vertically downwards. Gravity can be represented by the formula Fg = m * g, where Fg is the force of gravity, m is the mass of the boat, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (which is approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

In this case, we need to convert the weight from pounds to mass in order to use the formula. We can do this by dividing the weight by the acceleration due to gravity:

m = weight / g

Plugging in the values:

m = 600 pounds / 9.8 m/s^2

m ≈ 61.22 kg

So, the mass of the boat is approximately 61.22 kg.

Second, let's consider the force of friction acting on the boat. Friction is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces in contact. In this case, it acts parallel to the surface of the ramp, in the opposite direction of motion.

The force of friction can be represented by the formula Ff = μ * Fn, where Ff is the force of friction, μ is the coefficient of friction, and Fn is the normal force (the force perpendicular to the ramp's surface).

To calculate the normal force, we need to split the weight of the boat into its components. The weight can be resolved into two forces: one along the inclined plane (parallel component) and one perpendicular to the inclined plane (perpendicular component).

The perpendicular component of the weight can be calculated using the formula: Fn = m * g * cos(θ), where θ is the angle of inclination.

Fn = 61.22 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * cos(30°)

Fn ≈ 530.49 N

Now we can calculate the force of friction using the coefficient of friction. Unfortunately, the coefficient of friction is not provided, so we need more information to complete the calculation. The coefficient of friction depends on the properties of the two surfaces in contact. Assuming you have this information, let's say the coefficient of friction is μ = 0.3.

Ff = 0.3 * 530.49 N

Ff ≈ 159.15 N

Therefore, the force required to keep the boat from rolling down the ramp is approximately 159.15 Newtons.