If a student scored an average of 60% on a test, what score would he/she need to average it out to a passing 80+. What formula would you use. This isn't a question on a test, it's one I've been trying to find. I am able to retake a test multiple times and will average itself out. It is averaged out to a 60. What score will I need to average it out to 80+ and what formula would I use to figure this out so I may use it on other tests?

Two tests = 200

0.8 * 200 = 160

160 - 60 = 100

The student needs to score 100 so that the two tests average 80.

To determine the score you would need to average on the test to achieve an overall 80+, you can use the following formula:

(Current Average * Number of Tests + Desired Average * Number of Tests + x) / (Total Number of Tests + 1) = 80

In this formula, the "Current Average" refers to your current average score, "Number of Tests" is the number of tests you have taken so far, "Desired Average" is the minimum average score you want to achieve, and "x" represents the unknown score you need to achieve on the next test. The "Total Number of Tests" is the sum of the previous number of tests and the upcoming test.

To solve for "x," you can rearrange the formula:

(Current Average * Number of Tests + Desired Average * Number of Tests + x) = 80 * (Total Number of Tests + 1)

Now, substitute the given values:
Current Average = 60%
Desired Average = 80%
Number of Tests = the number of tests you have taken so far
Total Number of Tests = the sum of the previous number of tests and the upcoming test

Simplifying the equation, you have:

(60 * Number of Tests + 80 * Number of Tests + x) = 80 * (Total Number of Tests + 1)

Combine like terms:
(140 * Number of Tests + x) = 80 * (Total Number of Tests + 1)

Finally, solve for "x" by isolating it on one side of the equation:
140 * Number of Tests + x = 80 * Total Number of Tests + 80

Subtract 80 (80 * Total Number of Tests) from both sides:
x = 80 * Total Number of Tests + 80 - 140 * Number of Tests

Now, you can use this formula to calculate the score you need to average on your next test to achieve an overall average of 80+.

Note: Make sure to adjust the Total Number of Tests and Number of Tests variables accordingly for each test you take.