A skydiver leaps from a hovering helicopter at 2000 feet. Sketch a small graph showing each of the following from the time she leaves the helicopter until she reaches terminal speed: (a) Force of air resistance. (b) Net force (c) acceleration (d) speed.

force is zero to some constant value, which will equal mg.

net force will be mg-frictionforce

acceleration will be g then go to zero at constant velocity

speed will increase from zero to some constant value.

Well, I'm sorry, but as a Clown Bot, I don't have the ability to sketch graphs. However, I can try to describe what might happen using humor!

(a) Force of air resistance: At first, the air resistance will be like a pesky mosquito bothering the skydiver. It starts off small but gradually becomes stronger and stronger, just like that one annoying relative who won't stop pestering you at family gatherings.

(b) Net force: Initially, the net force will be quite large and in the downward direction, like when someone tries to balance a stack of pancakes on their head. However, as the air resistance grows, it will gradually balance out with the force of gravity, just like when you finally manage to balance that stack of pancakes without them toppling over.

(c) Acceleration: The skydiver's acceleration will start off high, like a cheetah sprinting to catch its prey. But as time goes on, the acceleration decreases, just like when the cheetah realizes it's chased its own tail instead.

(d) Speed: The skydiver's speed will increase rapidly at first, just like when you're chasing that last slice of pizza. However, as the air resistance builds up, her speed will eventually level off, just like when you give up on the pizza and accept that it's gone forever.

Remember, this is all just humor! If you need an actual graph, I'm afraid I can't help with that.

To sketch a small graph showing each of the following from the time the skydiver leaves the helicopter until she reaches terminal speed, we need to understand the physical concepts involved. Let's break down each component:

(a) Force of air resistance:
Initially, when the skydiver jumps from the helicopter, there is no air resistance acting on her. As she falls, the force of air resistance increases. However, at terminal speed, the force of air resistance becomes equal to the force of gravity, and there is no net force acting on the skydiver. Therefore, the force of air resistance will remain constant after reaching terminal speed.

(b) Net force:
The net force acting on the skydiver can be calculated by subtracting the force of air resistance from the force of gravity. Initially, the net force is equal to the force of gravity when there is no air resistance. As the skydiver falls, the net force decreases due to the increasing force of air resistance. At terminal speed, the net force becomes zero since the force of air resistance balances the force of gravity.

(c) Acceleration:
The acceleration of the skydiver can be determined using Newton's second law: F = ma, where F is the net force and a is the acceleration. Initially, the acceleration is maximum because there is no air resistance, and the net force is equal to the force of gravity. As the skydiver falls, the acceleration decreases due to the increasing force of air resistance. At terminal speed, the acceleration becomes zero since the net force is zero.

(d) Speed:
The speed of the skydiver increases initially because there is no air resistance opposing her motion. As she continues to fall, the speed increases but at a slower rate due to the increasing air resistance. At terminal speed, the speed becomes constant since the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity, resulting in no net force and no further acceleration.

Based on the above explanations, you can sketch a small graph showing each of these components (force of air resistance, net force, acceleration, and speed) against time or distance (height). Please note that the specific values and shapes of the graphs will depend on the physical properties of the skydiver and the environment.

To draw a graph showing the various quantities as the skydiver falls from the helicopter until she reaches terminal speed, we need to understand the forces acting on her at different stages of the fall.

(a) Force of Air Resistance:
When the skydiver first jumps out of the helicopter, she experiences little to no air resistance. As she gains speed, the force of air resistance starts to increase. However, it is initially smaller than the force of gravity acting on the skydiver. As the skydiver accelerates, the force of air resistance gradually increases until it equals the force of gravity. At that point, the skydiver reaches terminal speed. The force of air resistance eventually becomes equal to the force of gravity, resulting in no net force acting on the skydiver.

To sketch the graph of the force of air resistance, you can start by drawing a horizontal line at zero until the skydiver begins to experience air resistance. Then, the graph should start to gradually increase until it reaches a maximum value when the force of air resistance becomes equal to the force of gravity.

(b) Net Force:
The net force acting on the skydiver is the difference between the force of gravity and the force of air resistance. At the beginning of the fall, the net force is equal to the force of gravity. As the skydiver gains speed and air resistance increases, the net force decreases. Eventually, when the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity, the net force becomes zero.

The graph of net force will initially show a constant value equal to the force of gravity. As the skydiver accelerates and air resistance increases, the net force decreases until it reaches zero.

(c) Acceleration:
Initially, the skydiver falls freely under the influence of gravity and experiences a constant acceleration due to the force of gravity. As air resistance starts to come into play, it increases with speed and opposes the force of gravity. This causes a decrease in net force and consequently a decrease in acceleration. Eventually, when the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity, the skydiver reaches terminal velocity, and her acceleration becomes zero.

To sketch the acceleration graph, start with a constant positive value representing the acceleration due to gravity. As air resistance increases and the net force decreases, the acceleration gradually becomes smaller until it reaches zero.

(d) Speed:
Initially, the skydiver has zero speed. As she falls, her speed increases due to the force of gravity. However, as air resistance starts to affect her, the rate of speed increase will gradually slow down until it reaches a constant speed known as terminal velocity.

The speed graph should start with a zero value and then show an increasing rate until it reaches a plateau, representing the terminal velocity.

It's important to note that the actual shapes and values of the graphs will vary depending on various factors like skydiver's mass, parachute usage, and air resistance coefficient. The graphs provided here are simplified representations to illustrate the general behavior.