What is the hypothesis of the conditional statement?

If you are not there, then I will leave.

A-you are there

B- you are not there

C- I will leave

D- I will not leave

My choice is B.

What is the converse of the conditional statement?

If it is Tuesday, then I walk to the park.

A- If I walk to the park, then it is Tuesday.

B- If I walk to the park, then it is not Tuesday.

C- If it is not Tuesday, then I walk to the park.

D- If I don't walk to the park, then it is Tuesday.

My choice is A.

What is the inverse of the conditional statement?

If we don't drive, then I ride my bicycle.

A- If we don't drive, then I ride my bicycle.

B- If we drive, then I will not ride my bicycle.

C- If we drive, then I ride my bicycle.

D- If I ride my bicycle, then we don't drive.

My choice is B.

Yes and yes

To remember forever:

1. Hypothesis: If cow , then mammal

2. converse: If mammal,then cow (maybe)

3. inverse: If not cow, then not mammal (maybe)

4. contrapositive: If not mammal, then not cow (true)

Make Venn diagrams for the situation :)

Thank you!

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You are welcome, good luck.

Yes!! Thanks! :)

I got a 100% Thank you so much!!!

To determine the hypothesis of the conditional statement, you need to identify the "if" part of the statement. In this case, the statement is "If you are not there, then I will leave." The hypothesis is the condition that comes after the "if" part, so the correct answer is B - "you are not there."

To find the converse of the conditional statement, you need to switch the position of the hypothesis and the conclusion. The original statement is "If it is Tuesday, then I walk to the park." So the converse would be "If I walk to the park, then it is Tuesday." Therefore, the correct answer is A - "If I walk to the park, then it is Tuesday."

To determine the inverse of the conditional statement, you need to negate both the hypothesis and the conclusion. The original statement is "If we don't drive, then I ride my bicycle." The negation of the hypothesis "we don't drive" is "we drive," and the negation of the conclusion "I ride my bicycle" is "I will not ride my bicycle." Therefore, the correct answer is B - "If we drive, then I will not ride my bicycle."