people of all ages and abilities love sports. Which is the subject and which is the predicate in this sentence

"People" is the subject, and "love" is the predicate. I hope this helps! :)

Brady is correct about the simple subject and simple predicate.

Do you want to know the complete subject and complete predicate?

In the sentence "People of all ages and abilities love sports," the subject is "people of all ages and abilities" and the predicate is "love sports."

To identify the subject and predicate in a sentence, it is important to understand the basic components of a sentence. A subject is the person, thing, or idea that the sentence is about. It usually answers the question "who?" or "what?" The predicate, on the other hand, is the action or state of being that the subject carries out or experiences. It usually answers the question "what does the subject do?" or "what is the subject like?"

In this sentence, the subject is "people of all ages and abilities," which refers to all individuals regardless of their age or abilities. The predicate is "love sports," indicating the action or state of being that the subject engages in, expressing affection or enjoyment for sports.