Please check these and thanks :D

4.(help because i couldn't get it)

1.What signifies the period known as history?

A. There are written records.

B. It is a much longer period than prehistory.

C.It started two million years ago.

D.It started two centuries ago.


2.Why did towns need to be located near water to succeed?

A.Water provided protection from warfare.

B.Nearby water allowed towns to be close to the marketplace.

C.Water attracted more people.

D.Establishing towns near water allowed for irrigation of crops.

3.Which is a characteristic of prehistoric people?

A. They wore animal skins for clothing.

B. They cooked their food in stone ovens.

C. They used fire to harden clay pots and vessels.

D.They made decorative pieces to trade for goods.

4.Why did early farmers use slash-and-burn agriculture?

A. to get rid of pests

B. to get rid of old crops

C. to keep the soil fertile

D. to keep undergrowth from drying out the earth
5.How did flooding rivers contribute to the beginning of farming communities?

A. They irrigated the crops when they overflowed.

B. They created a marshy environment good for planting.

C. They provided water and stayed within their banks.

D. They left rich soil when floodwaters receded


I think answers for question 4 is d the rest other than c is really relevant:)

I mean it could be c....

Tzuquanda why dont you go die in a fire? :)

Based on the options you have provided, here are the correct answers:

1. A. There are written records.
To determine the correct answer, you can eliminate options C and D because they provide incorrect timeframes. Then, consider that the period known as history is characterized by the presence of written records, so the correct answer is A.

2. B. Nearby water allowed towns to be close to the marketplace.
To find the correct answer, you need to understand the purpose of having towns near water. Option A is incorrect because it relates to protection, option C is unrelated to the success of towns, and option D does not specifically address the reason for towns being near water. Option B, on the other hand, suggests that proximity to water allows towns to be close to the marketplace, indicating economic advantages and trade opportunities for the towns -- making it the correct answer.

3. A. They wore animal skins for clothing.
To determine the correct answer here, you can eliminate options B and D because they introduce irrelevant or incorrect characteristics. Option C could potentially be true, but there is no evidence to support it. Option A, however, aligns with what is commonly known about prehistoric people using animal skins for clothing -- making it the correct answer.

4. C. to keep the soil fertile.
Since you mentioned that you couldn't get this answer, I can explain how to approach it. Slash-and-burn agriculture involves cutting down vegetation and burning it to clear land for farming. This process releases nutrients into the soil as the ash decomposes, making the soil fertile for farming. Options A, B, and D do not align with the purpose of slash-and-burn agriculture. Option C, on the other hand, corresponds to the practice's objective, indicating that early farmers used slash-and-burn agriculture to keep the soil fertile.

5. D. They left rich soil when floodwaters receded.
To determine the correct answer for this question, you need to consider the effects of flooding rivers on farming communities. Option A suggests that flooding rivers provided irrigation, but that is not the main contribution mentioned. Option B introduces an unrelated aspect, and option C is not specific enough. Option D, however, highlights that flooding rivers left behind rich soil after the floodwaters receded, which would have allowed farming communities to have fertile land. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

I disagree with your answers for 3 and 5.

I don't like any of the answers for # 4.

Answer these questions on you own. Quit relying on the internet to do YOUR homework. I don’t care if you need these answers ASAP.