you overhear a fellow office assistant say to his friend about a patient,"He looks like he's wasting away-he probably has AIDS" the patient may have cause for __________ aginst this co worker. A breach,B slander ,C libel ,D assault. i think ans. is B

I doubt if it's slander because the intent isn't to do harm. However, isn't this a breach of medical ethics to discuss a patient's condition?

I believe that the answer is A, it is a breach of confidentiality is you are talking about a patient in front of other patients, I work in the health field.. Hope this helps

The appropriate answer to the question is C) libel.

Here's an explanation to help you understand:

In this scenario, the office assistant made a statement about the patient in question to his friend. The statement "'He looks like he's wasting away—he probably has AIDS" was said aloud, and as such, it can be considered libel.

Libel refers to a false statement made in written or printed form, pictures, or any other form that defames a person's character, reputation, or causes harm to their image. In this case, the statement was made verbally but still falls under the category of libel.

It's important to note that libel can only be claimed if the statement is false and causes harm to the individual's reputation. In this scenario, if the patient does not have AIDS or any such condition, they may have cause for a libel claim against the office assistant.

To reach a legally accurate conclusion, it's always recommended to consult with a legal professional.