Landscape with Classic Ruins and Figures by Marco Ricci and Sebastiano Ricci

To evaluate the success of this image, you would do all of the following EXCEPT
A. Describe the scence presented
B. Analyze the color schemes
C. Interpet the meaning of the color usage
D. Judge the success of the painting to create depth

If you have no text (whether in print or online), you'd better get good at Internet searches.

To evaluate the success of the painting "Landscape with Classic Ruins and Figures" by Marco Ricci and Sebastiano Ricci, you would typically consider various aspects of the artwork including its composition, subject matter, technique, and visual elements. However, all of the options A, B, C, and D are valid approaches to evaluating the success of this image. They are essential steps and should not be excluded. Therefore, the answer is not D, but rather there seems to be a mistake in the question as it suggests that all options except one are correct.