Ben's truck rental will rent a moving truck for $12 per day plus $0.22 per mile driven. Jerry's truck center will rent the same truck for $20 per day plus $0.10 per mile driven. Write an equation that represents the situation when the total rental cost will be the same for both companies.

Ben's: 12d + 0.22m = 20d + 0.10m

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To write an equation that represents the situation where the total rental cost will be the same for both Ben's truck rental and Jerry's truck center, we can equate the total costs of the two companies.

Let's break down the rental costs for both companies:
- Ben's truck rental charges $12 per day (denoted as d) and $0.22 per mile driven (denoted as m). Therefore, the total cost for Ben's truck rental can be represented as 12d + 0.22m.
- Jerry's truck center charges $20 per day (denoted as d) and $0.10 per mile driven (denoted as m). Hence, the total cost for Jerry's truck center can be expressed as 20d + 0.10m.

So, to find the equation that represents the situation where the total rental cost will be the same for both companies, we set these two expressions equal to each other:

12d + 0.22m = 20d + 0.10m

This equation captures the condition where the total rental cost will be equal for both companies when considering the cost per day and the cost per mile driven.