Which one of the following characteristics is associated with charismatic leaders?

A. Following management by the book
B. Lacking confidence in employees’ abilities
C. Promoting their beliefs with boundless energy
D. Controlling the behavior of others

i answered c

Definitely, yes!

yes I have that to

The correct answer is C. Charismatic leaders are often associated with promoting their beliefs with boundless energy.

To arrive at this answer using a logical approach:

1. Start by understanding the concept of charismatic leadership. Charismatic leadership refers to a leadership style where the leader inspires and motivates others through their personal charm, enthusiasm, and vision.

2. Read each option and evaluate its association with charismatic leadership based on the given characteristics.

- A. "Following management by the book": This option does not align with charismatic leadership as it implies adhering strictly to rules and procedures rather than focusing on personal charm and inspiration.

- B. "Lacking confidence in employees’ abilities": This option suggests a lack of trust in employees, which is not in line with charismatic leadership.

- C. "Promoting their beliefs with boundless energy": This option aligns with charismatic leadership as it emphasizes the leader's ability to passionately advocate for and promote their beliefs, inspiring others through their energetic approach.

- D. "Controlling the behavior of others": This option does not directly relate to charismatic leadership as it implies a more authoritarian, controlling approach rather than emphasizing personal charm and inspiration.

Based on the evaluation of each option, it becomes clear that Option C is the one most closely associated with charismatic leaders.