According to the Managerial Grid, which basic style of management has a high concern

for people and a low concern for production?

A. Country club management
B. Authority-obedience management
C. Organization man management
D. Team management

i answered A

You're probably right.

I put B Read page 153

Good job on attempting to answer the question! Let's break down the options to find the correct answer.

The Managerial Grid, also known as the Leadership Grid, is a behavioral leadership model developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. It categorizes leadership styles based on concern for people (relationships) on one axis and concern for production (task accomplishment) on the other axis.

Now let's analyze each option:

A. Country club management: This style of management is characterized by high concern for people but a low concern for production. It places emphasis on creating a friendly and harmonious work environment, often at the expense of achieving goals.

B. Authority-obedience management: This style of management places high importance on production and low importance on people. The focus is on efficiency and getting tasks done, often with little regard for employee satisfaction.

C. Organization man management: This option is not one of the original leadership styles in the Managerial Grid.

D. Team management: This style of management emphasizes both high concern for people and high concern for production. It aims to achieve organizational goals through collaboration, teamwork, and a focus on both task accomplishment and employee satisfaction.

Based on the descriptions above, which basic management style has a high concern for people and a low concern for production?