Considering the word Mathematics, what is the ratio of vowels to consonants? Write this ratio 3 ways:

Word form:

Fraction form:

Colon form:

Word Form: four to seven

Fraction Form: 4/7

Colon Form: 4:7

I got my answers off of The first Related Question below. I hope this helps! :)

Thank u

You're welcome Amy! :)

To determine the ratio of vowels to consonants in the word "Mathematics," we need to count the number of vowels and consonants separately.

First, let's identify the vowels in the word "Mathematics": A, e, i.
Next, let's identify the consonants: M, t, h, m, t, c, s.

Now, we can calculate the ratio of vowels to consonants:

1. Word form: Vowels: 3, Consonants: 7
The ratio can be written as "3:7" in word form.

2. Fraction form: Vowels: 3, Consonants: 7
The ratio can be written as a fraction: 3/7.

3. Colon form: Vowels: 3, Consonants: 7
The ratio can be written using a colon: 3:7.

Therefore, the ratio of vowels to consonants in the word "Mathematics" can be expressed as 3:7, 3/7, or 3:7.