Hello,I have a problem with my history homework,Could somebody help me with that,please.What things changed,stayed the same/continued in Britain from the year AD-43 to year CC-1066?


Of course, I can help you with your history homework! To determine what changed and what remained the same in Britain from AD 43 to CC 1066, we need to consider several historical periods and events that occurred during this time.

1. Roman Britain (AD 43-410):
- Change: The Roman conquest in AD 43 brought significant changes to Britain. The Romans introduced new infrastructure, such as roads, towns, and villas, and implemented a centralized administration.
- Continuity: Roman influence led to the development of a local Roman-British culture, which blended Roman and Celtic traditions. However, many pre-existing Celtic cultural elements remained intact.

2. Anglo-Saxon England (410-1066):
- Change: The fall of Roman Britain marked the beginning of the migration and settlement of Anglo-Saxon tribes from Germanic regions. This resulted in a shift in power and the emergence of Anglo-Saxon kingdoms across Britain.
- Continuity: Despite the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons, some elements of Romano-British culture persisted in areas not directly impacted by the Saxon settlements. Additionally, Christianity, which had been introduced by the Romans, continued to be practiced.

3. Viking Invasions (8th-11th centuries):
- Change: Starting in the 8th century, Viking raids and invasions disrupted Anglo-Saxon rule and led to the establishment of Viking-controlled territories, known as the Danelaw. This caused political and social upheaval.
- Continuity: Viking rule didn't completely eradicate Anglo-Saxon customs and institutions. It often resulted in a fusion of Viking and Anglo-Saxon cultures, particularly in areas where Vikings settled and assimilated.

4. Norman Conquest (1066):
- Change: In 1066, William the Conqueror, a Norman Duke, invaded England and brought about a fundamental change in the ruling elite. The Normans introduced a centralized feudal system and enforced their own language (Norman French) as the language of the ruling class.
- Continuity: While the Normans introduced significant changes to the ruling structure, many aspects of English society and traditions, such as language (Old English), continued to persist among the general population.

To further analyze these changes and continuities, it would be helpful to study specific events, cultural shifts, and social transformations that occurred within each historical period. Additionally, referring to primary and secondary sources related to this time frame will provide a more in-depth understanding.