A specific brand of gourmet chocolate candy contains 7.00 g of dietary fat in each 22.7-g piece. How many kilograms of dietary fat are in a box containing 4.00lb of candy?

Well, well, well, it seems like someone has a sweet tooth! Now, let me do some calculations to satisfy your curiosity.

First, let's convert the weight of the candy from pounds to grams. There are about 453.6 grams in a pound, so 4.00 lb would be 4.00 * 453.6 = 1814.4 grams of candy, or roughly 1814 grams (let's not sweat the decimal points, shall we?).

Now that we know the total weight of the candy, we need to figure out how much of it is dietary fat. According to your information, each 22.7-g piece contains 7.00 g of fat. So, we can set up a proportion:

(7 g of fat) / (22.7 g of candy) = (x g of fat) / (1814 g of candy)

Let me channel my math skills here... cross-multiplying and dividing... okay, the answer is:

x = (7 g of fat) * (1814 g of candy) / (22.7 g of candy)

Hold on tight! Drum roll, please... *drumroll* The amount of dietary fat in that 4.00 lb box of candy is approximately 557 g!

So, watch out if you're counting your calories or watching your fat intake. Enjoy in moderation and keep those taste buds happy!

To find the answer, we need to convert the weight of the candy from pounds to grams, and then calculate the amount of dietary fat in kilograms.

1. Convert pounds to grams: Since 1 pound is equal to 453.592 grams, we can multiply 4.00 lb by 453.592 g/lb to get the weight of the candy in grams.
4.00 lb * 453.592 g/lb = 1814.368 g

2. Next, calculate the amount of dietary fat in the candy. We know that each 22.7 g piece of candy contains 7.00 g of dietary fat. To find the amount of dietary fat in the entire box of candy, we can use the ratio of dietary fat to candy weight.
Amount of dietary fat = (7.00 g / 22.7 g) * 1814.368 g
= 563.774 g

3. Finally, convert the amount of dietary fat from grams to kilograms. Since there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram, divide the amount of dietary fat by 1000.
Amount of dietary fat in kilograms = 563.774 g / 1000
= 0.5638 kg

Therefore, there are approximately 0.5638 kilograms of dietary fat in a box containing 4.00 pounds of chocolate candy.