Like a teenager’s selfish desire to obtain status through possessions, Paul’s mother demonstrates the same immature importance of material objects and outward appearance in D.H Lawrence’s short story “The Rocking-Horse Winner.” This wonderful depiction of the destructive nature of materialism sets an example for all. As the mother’s wanting exceeds the family’s income her selfishness places a strain on the entire household, ultimately leading to disastrous consequences.

Young Paul desires the love of a cold and distant mother and is determined to find the luck that his mother insists their family lacks. According to her, luck leads to money and their household never seems to have enough to suit her. Paul recognizes the anxiety as the house seems to whisper “there must be more money.” He desperately rides his rocking horse until a voice tells him the winner of the local horse derby. He then bets money hoping to gain money to satisfy his mother and in return gain her love. With more money, the whisper in the house becomes louder and louder as his mother spends it all. In the end Paul rides so long and hard to find a winner that he dies, leaving his family with 80,000 pounds. Paul’s last words: “Mother, did I ever tell you? I am lucky!”

What do I need to add to this review?
I'm not sure what to do in the conclusion.

I think she was very selfish and ultimately her desire for possessions put too much pressure on the household--and her family paid an unimaginable price.

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In your conclusion, you can summarize your main points and restate your thesis that the story "The Rocking-Horse Winner" depicts the destructive nature of materialism and the consequences it has on the household. Here is a suggestion for your conclusion:

In conclusion, D.H. Lawrence's short story "The Rocking-Horse Winner" serves as a powerful portrayal of the detrimental effects of materialism. Through the characters of Paul and his mother, Lawrence highlights the selfish desire for possessions and the insatiable hunger for more, leading to immense strain on the household. As the mother's superficial values take precedence over familial love and well-being, the family is ultimately left with tragic outcomes. By exploring the high cost of materialism, Lawrence prompts readers to reflect on their own relationship with possessions and the worth they place on outward appearance. Thus, "The Rocking-Horse Winner" stands as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the destructive consequences that may arise from prioritizing material wealth above all else.