if you roll a single die and count the number of dots in top what is the probability of getting a number less then 3 on a single throw

2/6 = 1/3

To find the probability of getting a number less than 3 on a single throw of a die, we need to determine the number of favorable outcomes and the total number of possible outcomes.

The favorable outcomes are the numbers 1 and 2, as they are less than 3. There are 2 favorable outcomes.

The total number of possible outcomes when rolling a single die is 6 (since there are 6 sides on the die).

Therefore, the probability of getting a number less than 3 on a single throw is 2/6, which can be simplified to 1/3.

To find the probability of getting a number less than 3 on a single throw of a die, we need to first determine the total number of outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

Total number of outcomes:
A die has 6 sides, labeled with numbers 1 to 6. So, the total number of outcomes is 6.

Number of favorable outcomes:
To find the number of favorable outcomes, we need to count the number of results less than 3. In this case, the favorable outcomes are 1 and 2. So, the number of favorable outcomes is 2.

Probability calculation:
The probability of an event is calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of outcomes.

Probability = Number of Favorable Outcomes / Total Number of Outcomes

In this case, the probability of getting a number less than 3 on a single throw of a die is:

Probability = 2 / 6 = 1 / 3

Therefore, the probability of getting a number less than 3 on a single throw of a die is 1/3.