Hi! Can someone check this and see if they are correct? Thanks!

1.) Which value of x should the expression be further simplified? √(21)x

a.) 5
B.) 6
c.) 11
D. 55

My answer: a

2.) 2√43x is show: Which value of x makes the expression equivalent to 14√43?

a.) 7
b.) 12
c.) 49
d.) 98

My answer: a

3.) Which value of x should the expression be further simplified? √(55)x

a.) 7
b.) 12
c.) 13
d.) 15

My answer: d

I answered a similar question yesterday


The way you placed your brackets, none of your choices are correct

To check the answers for these questions, you need to simplify the given expressions and compare them to the options provided.

1.) √(21)x
To simplify this expression, you can multiply the number inside the square root (√21) by x. Since there is no option to simplify the expression further, you need to compare it to the provided choices: a) 5, b) 6, c) 11, d) 55. After simplifying, the expression becomes (√21)x. Since there is no integer you can multiply by √21 to get one of the given options, the correct answer would be: None of the provided options.

2.) 2√43x = 14√43
To find the value of x, you need to solve for it in the equation. Start by dividing both sides of the equation by 2 to eliminate it on the left side:
√43x = 7√43
Now, the square root of 43 cancels on both sides, leaving you with:
x = 7
After comparing this value to the given options: a) 7, b) 12, c) 49, d) 98, you can see that option a) matches the value obtained from the equation. Therefore, the correct answer is: a) 7.

3.) √(55)x
To simplify this expression, you can multiply the number inside the square root (√55) by x. After simplifying, the expression becomes (√55)x. To determine if this expression can be further simplified, you need to check if there is an integer you can multiply by √55 to get one of the given options: a) 7, b) 12, c) 13, d) 15. Since there is no such integer, the correct answer would be: None of the provided options.

So, based on the explanations above, the correct answers are:
1.) None of the provided options
2.) a) 7
3.) None of the provided options