A block of mass 50 kg is pulled on a frictionless floor by F=210N directed to 30angle horizontally, If the block moves 3m, find work done?

a. 115 √2J
b. 315 √3J

Answer is B 315 √3J , my question is how to solve it in this way i mean, i solved it like this,
210X3 cos(30)
which is equal to 543.8639536 , i.e 315 √3J
but without calculator how to write 315 √3J from 543.863953, solve it please thanks.

To solve this problem without a calculator, you can use an approximation of the square root of 3 to simplify the final answer.

Step 1: Calculate the value of 315 times the square root of 3: 315 * √3 ≈ 546.92557.
Step 2: Since 546.92557 is very close to 543.8639536, you can round it to the nearest whole number (which is 547) for simplicity.
Step 3: Express the answer as 547 J.

Therefore, the final answer is approximately 547 J, which is the closest whole number approximation to 315 √3 J.