Could this, "the Shadow", be considered "the Self" in some cases? And if so, how does one go about treating that?

The human personality has a structure, and so does the physical body. It has a heart and brain, other vital organs, musles, bone and such. If I switch the heart with the brain, the patient will die...

So, if a patient's true self is "the Shadow", then... can't really be helped, can it?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

First of all, what are you treating? What do you mean by "self" — the conscious portion (ego) that you can access easily or the total self?

Since I do not subscribe much to psychoanalytic theory, I searched Google under the key words "Jung Shadow" to get these possible sources:
(Broken Link Removed)

There are still other sites. In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Jung saw the "Shadow" as the dark side of ourself. The therapist tries to help the client balance the ego and the Shadow.

Here are two quotes with their sources listed below. These articles may help you.

"The Shadow is the personification of that part of human, psychic possibility that we deny in ourselves and project onto others. The goal of personality integration is to integrate the rejected, inferior side of our life into our total experience and to take responsibility for it."

"The first pair is 'ego' and 'shadow'. The 'ego' is the fragile, precious light of consciousness that must be guarded and cultivated. A healthy 'ego' organizes and balances the conscious and unconscious elements of the psyche; a weakened 'ego' leaves an individual in the dark, in danger of being swamped by chaotic, unconscious images, the 'ego' is the sense of purpose and identity. The 'shadow', which is always of the same sex, is the dark side of the person, characterized by inferior, uncivilized or animal qualities which the 'ego' wishes to hide from others. It is not wholly bad however, but primitive and unadapted; it can vitalize life if honestly faced up to."

(Broken Link Removed)

Shadow is that portion of the personalities that apposes the so called ego... my question is, is it possible for the ego to be the shadow and the shadow to be the ego?

The concept of "the Shadow" originates from Carl Jung's analytical psychology. According to Jung, the Shadow represents the unconscious and repressed aspects of an individual's personality. It consists of both positive and negative qualities that have been denied or suppressed, often because they are viewed as unacceptable or incompatible with one's self-image.

While "the Self" refers to the integrated and whole personality, the Shadow can be seen as its opposite—an aspect of the personality that is disconnected, unacknowledged, or in conflict with the conscious self. However, it's important to note that "the Shadow" and "the Self" are distinct concepts within Jungian psychology.

To determine whether "the Shadow" could be considered "the Self" in some cases, it would require a deep exploration of an individual's psyche and a comprehensive understanding of their specific circumstances. This is best done in a therapeutic context with a trained psychologist or Jungian analyst.

Treating the Shadow involves a process of self-exploration and self-acceptance. Here are some general steps or approaches that can be taken:

1. Self-reflection: Engage in self-reflection to identify and acknowledge the existence of your Shadow. This involves honest introspection and examination of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that may be suppressed or denied.

2. Cultivate self-awareness: Pay attention to the patterns, triggers, and emotions that arise in various life situations. Self-awareness helps in recognizing when aspects of your Shadow are at play.

3. Shadow integration: As you become aware of your Shadow, strive to integrate it into your conscious self. This entails accepting and embracing the positive aspects of your Shadow while also working to understand and transform the negative aspects.

4. Seek therapy or counseling: Consider seeking the guidance of a trained therapist or counselor specializing in Jungian psychology. They can provide support, facilitate the exploration of your Shadow, and help you understand its impact on your life.

Remember, working with the Shadow is a complex and ongoing process that requires patience, self-compassion, and professional guidance.