princess leia is a very good math student. Her average math grade was a 95 on her 15 tests. If Darth Mangham decides to drop her lowest grade, write an expression to determine her new test average.

Like that's gonna make any body feel better

To determine Princess Leia's new test average after dropping her lowest grade, we can use the following expression:

(New average) = (Sum of all grades - Lowest grade) / (Total number of tests - 1)

Let's plug in the given information and calculate the expression:

Sum of all grades = 15 * 95 = 1425 (since her average grade was a 95 on 15 tests)
Lowest grade = ?
Total number of tests = 15

To find the lowest grade, we need more information. Could you please provide the grade for the lowest test?

To find Princess Leia's new test average after dropping her lowest grade, you need to determine the sum of her test scores after removing the lowest one and divide it by the number of remaining tests.

First, let's calculate the sum of her test scores by subtracting her lowest grade from the total sum of scores. Since she has 15 tests, and the average was 95, we can calculate the total sum of her grades as 15 * 95 = 1425.

Now, we know that Darth Mangham drops her lowest grade, so we need to subtract that grade from the total sum. The expression to calculate the sum of the remaining grades is: 1425 - (lowest grade).

Finally, to calculate the new average, we divide the adjusted sum by the number of remaining tests, which is 15 minus 1 (since we dropped one grade). The expression for her new test average will be:

(new average) = (adjusted sum) / (15 - 1)

Substituting the expression for the adjusted sum, we get:

(new average) = (1425 - (lowest grade)) / 14

Therefore, the expression to determine Princess Leia's new test average is (1425 - (lowest grade)) / 14.