A car travels along a straight stretch of road.

It proceeds for 15.9 mi at 51 mi/h, then
25.3 mi at 41 mi/h, and finally 34.3 mi at
38.6 mi/h.
What is the car’s average velocity during
the entire trip?
Answer in units of mi/h

total distance: 15.9+25.3+34.3 = 75.5 mi

total time: 15.9/51 + 25.3/41 + 34.3/38.6 = 1.82 hr

So, avg speed is 75.5mi/1.82hr = 41.55 mi/hr


To find the average velocity of the car during the entire trip, we need to calculate the total displacement and divide it by the total time taken.

First, let's calculate the total displacement:
To find displacement, we need to find the difference between the initial and final positions.

For the first leg of the journey:
Distance = 15.9 miles
Speed = 51 miles per hour
Time = Distance / Speed = 15.9 miles / 51 miles per hour

For the second leg of the journey:
Distance = 25.3 miles
Speed = 41 miles per hour
Time = Distance / Speed = 25.3 miles / 41 miles per hour

For the third leg of the journey:
Distance = 34.3 miles
Speed = 38.6 miles per hour
Time = Distance / Speed = 34.3 miles / 38.6 miles per hour

Next, let's calculate the total time taken:
Total time = Time for the first leg + Time for the second leg + Time for the third leg

Finally, let's calculate the average velocity:
Average velocity = Total displacement / Total time

Now, let's substitute the values to find the answer.