State of the good is pure private, pure punlic, or mixed.

1. County zoo
2. UPS Delivery
3. Air conditioning
4. Flood control projects
5. Elementary education
6. Pollution
7. Math tutor

I think they are:
1. Mixed
2. Mixed
3. Mixed
4. How is a project a good?
5. Pure private
6. How is pollution a good?
7. Pure private

The state of goods can be classified as pure private, pure public, or mixed based on the level of government involvement and the extent of private ownership.

1. County zoo: Mixed - While it may be owned and operated by the government (public), it may also generate revenue through ticket sales and concessions (private).

2. UPS delivery: Pure private - UPS is a private company that offers delivery services for profit.

3. Air conditioning: Mixed - While the ownership and operation of air conditioning units are typically private, there may be government regulations and standards in place for their installation and use.

4. Flood control projects: Mixed - While flood control projects may be initiated and funded by the government (public), they often involve private contractors and developers to carry out the construction and maintenance.

5. Elementary education: Pure public - Elementary education is typically provided and funded by the government, making it a public good.

6. Pollution: Pollution is not considered a good. However, addressing pollution can be a mixed state, as it involves both private and public entities working together to regulate and control pollution.

7. Math tutor: Pure private - A math tutor is typically a private individual or company providing educational services for a fee.

The classification of a good as pure private, pure public, or mixed depends on the nature of the good and who provides it. Let's analyze each item you mentioned to determine their categorization:

1. County zoo: This can be considered a mixed good. While it may be owned and operated by the government (public), it also generates revenue through visitor fees (private).

2. UPS Delivery: This is a private good. UPS is a private company that provides delivery services for a fee.

3. Air conditioning: This can be considered a mixed good. While individuals often purchase and own air conditioning units privately, there are also public facilities such as schools and government buildings that provide air conditioning for public use.

4. Flood control projects: This is a public good. Flood control projects are typically funded and managed by government entities for the benefit of the entire community.

5. Elementary education: This can be considered a mixed good. While public schools funded by the government provide education to all students, there are also private schools that charge tuition fees for their services.

6. Pollution: I understand your confusion, but pollution itself is not considered a good. However, the management and regulation of pollution can fall under the category of public goods, as it requires collective efforts and resources to address.

7. Math tutor: This is a private good. Math tutors typically provide their services privately for a fee.

Remember, the categorization of goods can be subjective and may vary depending on the context and specific circumstances.