How did colonists feel about the Navigation Acts?

A. Colonists resented the Navigation Acts because the acts limited their trade with nations other than England.
B. Colonists generally like the Navigation Acts, because the acts gave them greater access to goods from foreign countries.
C. Southern colonists tended to dislike the Navigation Acts because they privileged goods from nothern colonies.
D. Colonists supported the Navigation Acts because their elected representatives had passed them.
I choose A am I correct?

I believe that you are correct. I am sure that D is incorrect :)

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options and consider the context. The Navigation Acts were a series of laws passed by the British government in the 17th century to regulate colonial trade.

A. Colonists resented the Navigation Acts because the acts limited their trade with nations other than England.

This option is correct. Many colonists did resent the Navigation Acts because these laws imposed restrictions on their ability to trade with nations other than England. The acts aimed to ensure that most colonial goods were sold to England and bought from England, which limited opportunities for the colonies to engage in trade with other countries.

B. Colonists generally liked the Navigation Acts because the acts gave them greater access to goods from foreign countries.

This option is incorrect. The Navigation Acts actually restricted the colonies' access to goods from foreign countries. As mentioned earlier, the acts favored trade with England and made it more challenging for colonists to trade directly with other nations.

C. Southern colonists tended to dislike the Navigation Acts because they privileged goods from northern colonies.

This option is incorrect. The Navigation Acts did not specifically privilege goods from any particular region within the colonies. The acts aimed to benefit England by directing colonial trade towards English markets, rather than favoring one specific colony over another.

D. Colonists supported the Navigation Acts because their elected representatives had passed them.

This option is incorrect. The colonists did not have elected representatives in the British Parliament, where the Navigation Acts were passed. Consequently, they did not have a direct say in the passage of these laws and, therefore, may not have supported them.

So, based on the analysis, your answer choice A is correct. Colonists resented the Navigation Acts because the acts limited their trade with nations other than England.