Which of the following has a meaning similar to inevitable?


Which sentence uses the past participle of the verb bring?
I have brought my diary with me every day except today.
I brought my diary with me yesterday.
I am bringing my diary today.
I will bring my diary tomorrow.

In the following sentence, which principle part of the verb describe appears?
The professor is describing the process of osmosis to the class today.
past participle
present participle***

Which answer choice is the past tense of the verb break?

Not 100% sure on all of them. Can someone check them please? Thanks

oops, i think #2 is the second option

All are correct except for 2.

is #2 c?




is #2 option c?

Can you help me with one more? It's about the book, "The Story-Teller" by Saki.

After Cyril looks out the window and asks questions about the sheep, the aunt starts talking about cows. What can you infer from these two details?
The aunt prefers cows to sheep.
The aunt, unaware of Cyril's interest, brings up an entirely new subject.
The aunt is trying to stop Cyril from asking so many questions.
The aunt has attention deficit disorder.

I think its option c, if not b

sorry, i was typing and didn't see your response.

#2 a?

so #2 is a and the question i just asked about the story teller is c?

Yes and yes.

Are you sure?

Sure, I can help you check your answers.

1. The correct answer that has a meaning similar to "inevitable" is "expected." Both words imply something that is bound to happen and cannot be avoided.

2. The sentence that uses the past participle of the verb "bring" is: "I have brought my diary with me every day except today." The past participle form of "bring" is used when you want to show that the action has been completed in the past and has continuing relevance in the present.

3. In the sentence "The professor is describing the process of osmosis to the class today," the principle part of the verb "describe" that appears is the present participle. The present participle form of a verb is created by adding "ing" to the base form of the verb.

4. The past tense of the verb "break" is "broke." "Broke" is the correct answer choice that represents the action of breaking that occurred in the past.

Overall, you did well with your answers. Keep in mind the different forms of verbs, such as present, past, past participle, and present participle, to better understand their usage in sentences.