Solve the equation.

- 1/3m – 7 = 5

A. –4

B. –15

C. –36

D. 6

lost here, any help :)

I think it's A

no, its C

- 1/3m – 7 = 5

-1/3m = 12

m = 12/(-1/3)

m = 12 * (-3/1)

m = -36

are you sure?

yes, im sure

To solve the equation - 1/3m - 7 = 5, we need to isolate the variable "m". Here's how you can solve it step by step:

Step 1: Add 7 to both sides of the equation to get rid of the constant term (-7) on the left side:
-1/3m - 7 + 7 = 5 + 7
-1/3m = 12

Step 2: Now, we want to eliminate the fraction. Multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the coefficient of "m", which is -3/1 (or simply -3):
(-1/3m) * (-3/1) = 12 * (-3)
m = -36

So the solution to the equation - 1/3m - 7 = 5 is m = -36.

Therefore, the correct option is C. -36.