Hello.I need some advice with my history homework...Change and continuity in Britain before 1066....Thank you for yours help.

Read through the appropriate sections of this article.


What changes and examples of continuity do you see?

Hello! I can certainly help you with your history homework on change and continuity in Britain before 1066. To understand the topic better, it is important to follow a structured approach.

1. Research and Gather Information:
Start by researching the key events and developments that occurred in Britain before 1066. Look for information on political, social, economic, and cultural changes during this time. You can use textbooks, reputable websites, or reference materials to gather information.

2. Identify Key Changes:
Once you have gathered enough information, identify the major changes that took place in Britain before 1066. These changes could include shifts in power, social hierarchies, religious beliefs, trade, or technology advancements. Make a list of these changes to help organize your thoughts.

3. Identify Continuities:
Next, identify the elements that remained continuous throughout this period. Look for aspects such as societal structures, cultural traditions, or certain institutions that persisted over time. Note down these continuities alongside the changes you previously identified.

4. Analyze the Impact:
After identifying both changes and continuities, analyze their impact on society. Consider questions like how these changes affected different groups of people, whether they brought about progress or challenges, and how they contributed to shaping future developments.

5. provide evidence:
To support your analysis, provide specific examples and evidence from your research. This could include historical events, primary source documents, or scholarly interpretations. Make sure to cite your sources accurately.

6. Organize Your Thoughts:
With all the information, changes, continuities, and analysis gathered, organize your thoughts into a well-structured essay or presentation. Think about how you want to present your ideas in a logical and coherent manner, ensuring a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

7. Craft Your Response:
Finally, write your response, ensuring that you clearly address the prompt and provide a well-supported argument. Make sure to explain the changes and continuities you identified and their significance in shaping the history of Britain before 1066.

Remember, it's important to consult your textbook, class notes, or a teacher for specific information and guidance related to your school's curriculum. Good luck with your history homework! Let me know if you need any further assistance.