Which choice is a complete sentence?

A- Especially since the light bulb was invented.

B- Except for the last paragraph in the newspaper article.

C- A drawing of exceptional beauty and depth.

D- Squirrels darted along the telephone wires.

My choice is D.

Identify the best correction of the sentence fragment.

Should we ride the steel coaster? Or the wooden coaster?

A- Should we ride the steel coaster or the wooden coaster?

B- Should we ride the wooden coaster? Or the steel coaster?

C- Riding the steel coaster or the wooden coaster?

D- Should we ride? The steel coaster or the wooden coaster?

My choice is A.

Identify the best correction of the sentence fragment.

Planning to drive into the city?

A- Are you planning to drive into the city?

B- You planning to drive into the city?

C- Planning to drive? Into the city?

D- When you planning to drive into the city?

My choice is A.

Identify the best correction of the sentence fragment.

Were intent on catching a fish that day.

A- The cousins were intent on catching a fish that day.

B- The cousins were intent. On catching a fish that day.

C- To catch a fish that day; the cousins were intent.

D- Since the cousins were intent on catching a fish that day.

My choice is A.

All are correct.


Congratulations! Your choices for all the questions are correct. Let me explain how I arrived at the answers:

For the first question, the complete sentence is a sentence that contains a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought. Option D, "Squirrels darted along the telephone wires," fits this definition as it has a subject (squirrels) and a predicate (darted along the telephone wires) and expresses a complete thought.

For the second question, the sentence fragment "Should we ride the steel coaster?" needs to be corrected. Option A, "Should we ride the steel coaster or the wooden coaster?" is the best correction as it combines both choices (steel coaster and wooden coaster) with the appropriate punctuation (the conjunction 'or').

For the third question, the sentence fragment "Planning to drive into the city?" needs to be corrected. Option A, "Are you planning to drive into the city?" is the best correction as it adds the subject 'you' and turns the fragment into a complete sentence by forming a question.

For the fourth question, the sentence fragment "Were intent on catching a fish that day." needs to be corrected. Option A, "The cousins were intent on catching a fish that day." is the best correction as it adds the subject 'the cousins' to the sentence and completes the thought by providing the predicate 'were intent on catching a fish that day.'

Great job on getting the correct answers for all the questions!