why did it take so long for north america to become settles by the natives?

Well I think the same, about the walking distance, and I wondered if the took time to know its a civilised place to live! Can u please tell me if you agree!?!?

- Emma:)

The question of why it took a relatively long time for North America to be settled by Native peoples is complex and can be attributed to several factors. Understanding this requires taking into account various historical, geographical, and sociocultural aspects.

1. Landmass and Geography: North America is a vast landmass with diverse ecosystems and geographical features, including dense forests, vast plains, and rugged mountains. These factors influenced the migration patterns and settlement choices of Native peoples. Navigating such diverse environments took time, as they needed to adapt their ways of living and find suitable resources.

2. Migration and Nomadic Lifestyle: Prior to European contact, many Native tribes in North America practiced semi-nomadic or nomadic lifestyles. They moved across the continent in search of food, resources, and suitable habitats. The vast distances and diverse landscapes made settling in one specific area a challenging endeavor.

3. Subsistence Strategies: Native peoples in North America relied on various subsistence strategies such as hunting, gathering, fishing, and agriculture. These strategies required knowledge of the local ecosystems, including seasons, animal migrations, and plant growth cycles. It took time for Native peoples to understand and adapt to the unique environments across the continent.

4. Cultural Diversity and Sociopolitical Factors: North America was home to a wide array of Native tribes, each with its own language, customs, and social structures. The complex interactions between these tribes sometimes resulted in conflicts, competition for resources, and limited their ability to establish settlements on a large scale.

5. European Contact and Disease: The arrival of European explorers and settlers in the 15th and 16th centuries brought significant changes to the continent. Unfortunately, the introduction of new diseases, such as smallpox, to which Native peoples had no immunity, caused devastating population declines. These epidemics depopulated many regions, dispersed communities, and disrupted traditional social structures, making it more challenging for Native peoples to settle and maintain permanent settlements.

It is important to note that the colonization and settlement of North America by Europeans significantly impacted the trajectory of Native peoples' settlement patterns. European colonization and the forced displacement of Native tribes through violence, disease, and policies such as Indian Removal Acts further disrupted Native settlement patterns and led to profound changes in their way of life.

If you're walking, it takes a long time. Actually, the continent was settled originally in only a few generations. Remember that if one couple has 4 children who grow up, the community soon becomes over crowded and some of the young people move on.


They follow the animals

If you're walking, it takes a long time. Actually, the continent was settled originally in only a few generations. Remember that if one couple has 4 children who grow up, the community soon becomes over crowded and some of the young people move on.